Unwanted Fat

Unwanted fat is an issue that affects many individuals. It often accumulates in specific areas like the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, and under the chin. Genetics, age, hormonal changes, and lifestyle habits contribute to this natural process. However, unwanted fat does not necessarily reflect your overall health or fitness level. Even the most health-conscious individuals can struggle with stubborn fat deposits.


Emtone represents a groundbreaking approach to cellulite treatment. This innovative technology combines thermal monopolar radio frequency and mechanical targeted pressure energy to address the root causes of cellulite. By increasing collagen and elastin production, Emtone helps improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of cellulite

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What to expect from your Emtone treatment?

The treatment process involves a series of sessions, each lasting about 30 minutes. During these sessions, the Emtone device is applied to the targeted area. The procedure is not painful.

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What is the recovery from Emtone?

Recovery from Emtone involves no downtime. You can return to your regular activities immediately after the treatment. Results can be seen as early as two to four weeks after your last session, with continued improvement over several weeks.

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Exilis is another effective treatment for unwanted fat. This device uses radiofrequency energy to heat the deep layers of the skin and pulsating waveforms to shrink fat cells and stimulate collagen production. The result is a reduction in fat and tighter, smoother skin.

The treatment process for Exilis involves a series of sessions, typically spaced one to two weeks apart. During each session, the device is moved over the targeted area, delivering controlled heat. 

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What to expect from your Exilis treatment?

During the procedure, which typically lasts between 15 to 30 minutes, you will feel a warming sensation akin to a hot stone massage. There is no downtime post-treatment so that you can return to your usual activities immediately.

When will I see the results from Exilis?

Over the following weeks, you will notice gradual improvements in your skin’s texture and firmness. For optimal results, multiple sessions spaced a week apart are usually recommended. As with any cosmetic treatment, individual results vary, and it is important to discuss your expectations with us, so you know what to expect. 

What is the recovery for Exilis?

Like Emtone, there is no recovery time required after Exilis treatments. You can return to your day immediately. Most patients see noticeable results within two to four months after their final treatment.

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Why Choose Precision Aesthetics MD?

Choose Precision Aesthetics MD for a warm, fun experience with high-end, sophisticated treatments. We are a patient-driven boutique service, ensuring natural results that rewind time. Our founder has perfected brilliant non-surgical methods, making us a leader in high-tech aesthetic care. We are proud to offer a unique combination of technologies and treatments.

At Precision Aesthetics MD, you will enjoy concierge-style service that puts your needs first. Imagine looking into the mirror and seeing a reflection from 10-15 years ago – at Precision Aesthetics MD, we make that possible. Join us and experience the difference of a practice where you are not just a patient but a valued member of our aesthetic family.

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You do not have to live with stubborn fatty areas.

Dealing with unwanted fat is now easier than ever, thanks to advanced non-invasive treatments like Emtone and Exilis. At Precision Aesthetics MD, we are here to guide you every step of the way on your journey toward enhanced self-confidence and well-being.

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